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Academic Writing for Journal of Food and Culture -myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theAcademic Writing for Journal of Food and Culture. Answer: Text 1: Text 1 Your summary of the main (overall) argument What points are used to support the main argument? What evidence is used to substantiate these supporting points? Tibbetts, J 2015, 'Freegans risk the hazards of dumpster diving', Canadian Medical Association Journal, vol. 185, no. 7, pp. 282-283. The chief argument of this article is whether dumpster diving is harmful for health or not. According to Quincy Brandt, who frequently undergoes dumpster diving for consuming priced objects like fancy cheeses, king crab legs and others, he has never gone through any illness due to dumpster diving. Along with young people who perform the act of dumpster diving for consuming prised food free of cost or for environmental good, several individuals are compelled perform dumpster diving due to financial insufficiency. While according to several physicians dumpster diving posses the potential to make individuals severely ill, very few cases are of illness due to dumpster diving are reported. According to Jim Chan, a public health official, dumpster divers unwillingness to report their illness is the chief reason behind lack of record of illness due to the mentioned act. According to Jim Chan and Eskow, dumpster diving has severe health risks. Heath risk of people who consume food from dumpster due to lack of money is much greater compared to other dumpster divers. People must have a reason for dumping food. Majority of chances are there that the food is defected. According to Thomas kerr, several diseases ranging from stomach upset, sprained ankles to fatal infection due to cuts are reported due to dumpster food consumption by poor individuals. Unlike other dumpster divers, homeless people are unable to wear protective gear or wash their food while dumpster diving and hence has greater tendency of falling ill. Text 2: Text 2 Your summary of the main (overall) argument What points are used to support the main argument? What evidence is used to substantiate these supporting points? Perera, C 2017, 'I am not buying things': why some people see 'dumpster diving' as the ethical way to eat',The Conversation, viewed 4February 2018, The chief argument of this article is that dumpster diving is an act that highlight the wastage of food by the food market of Australia. Considering the fact that approximately 20 billion dollars of edible food is wasted every year in Australia, a good number of citizens in Australia are considering dumpster diving to be one of the most effective way to reduce the huge amount of food wastage. In spite of the fact that, by dumpster diving, the divers are able to obtain edible foods free of cost, according to several dumpster diver, it is not the only reason behind dumpster diving. According to several interviewees, two of the chief reasons behind their act is environmental betterment and opposing the unsustainable food production. Other dumpster divers states that dumpster diving make them feel that they are bringing a positive change to the environment and thus generates a feeling of satisfaction. Some individuals find this act fun since they find dumpster diving similar to a treasur e hunting act. While some of the food chain retailers are supporting the act of dumpster diving, according to a majority of retailers, dumpster diving should be banned since it can cause serious injury due to consumption of unsafe food materials. According to some retailers, dumpster diving should be declared as an illegal act as it is similar to stealing. While dumpster diving cannot be considered as the ultimate remedy to food wastage, in order to completely eradicate food wastage, everybody, starting from retailers to consumers have a role to play. Both retailers and consumers should buy visually imperfect food materials to stop food wastage. Majority of the interviewees considers dumpster diving as an effective way to reduce waste, oppose the unsustainable food market of Australia and to create a sense of community. However, according to a good number of retailers, dumpster diving should be declared illegal and unsafe. The fact that a vegetables and fruits which are visually imperfect are not bought by the retailers and are thrown away eventually can be considered as an evidence for supporting dumpster diving. . Topic sentence: Dumpster diving though have a noble cause, is harmful for health. Supporting points: In spite of the fact that Freegans that is a mixture of free and vegan, have uplifted the concept of dumpster diving, which was initially looked down upon, several health risks has been encountered due to the act of dumpster diving. Every year, approximately 5.4 million Australians are found to be affected of food poisoning due to consumption of bacterial contaminated food. Mere washing of food picked up from dumpster, is often found to be not enough to remove the bacterial contamination (Vinegar, Parker and McCourt 2016). Especially during the summer, the foods inside the dumpster along with the dumpster itself grow bacteria. Risk of food getting rotten in the dumpster is also there. Pathogenic bacteria like Salmonella, Listeria an E. coli can breed in dumpster food during summer. Dumpster themselves breed bacteria and pests that include roaches, rodents and flies. Along with that, dumpster food can get in contact with chemicals as well as human and animal wastes like fecal matter a nd excretion. Other reasons behind throwing away foods by shoppers include the food has got spoiled or rotten. Researchers found that homeless individuals who consume food from dumpster are subjected to illness more than dumpster divers who are performing the act for environmental betterment (Lindeman 2012). Chief reasons behind that is, like other divers, they are unable to wear protective gears while diving into the dumpsters. Dumpsters often contain sharp materials like broken glasses and knife which may cause serious injury. Besides that, since they dont have a proper residence, they are unable to wash the food properly before consuming. Since the immunity system of homeless people is generally weaker than that of the other dumpster divers, homeless individuals are more prone to illness due to dumpster diving compared to other divers. Horrible infections due to cuts, ankle sprain and fatal stomach problems are not uncommon among homeless and financially weak individuals. Unfortunately these individuals are unlikely to seek medical treatment and as a result, evidence for illness due to dum pster diving are not enough to stop the mentioned act. While homeless individual do not report their illness due to lack of money, several dumpster divers do not disclose dumpster diving as the reason behind their illness due status issues. Considering the fact that dumpster diving can be harmful for the health of dumpster divers, alternative ways should be focused in order to deal with the issue of huge food wastage in Australia. An effective way to eradicate food wastage by the retailers and consumers is by increasing awareness among them. The government should organize campaigns and surveys in order to enhance awareness among the citizens and food retailers of Australia. Participation of each and every individual in the society is needed to stop the huge wastage of food. Retailers should not reject buying visually imperfect food from farmers (Thompson 2012). They should optimize their supply chain and reduce the amount of display food. Apart from that, foods which are approaching expiry date needs to be heavily discounted or donated to various charities present in Australia. While retailers should take the above mentioned steps, consumers should also contribute to the noble act of irradiating wastage of food by not r ejecting visually imperfect vegetables and fruits and by ordering only that amount of food which he or she is able to consume. Conclusion Sentence: Alternative ways of eradicating wastage of food should be focused on instead of dumpster diving. Reference list: Lindeman, S 2012. Trash eaters.Gastronomica: The Journal of Food and Culture,12(1), pp.75-82. Perera, C 2017, 'I am not buying things': why some people see 'dumpster diving' as the ethical way to eat',The Conversation, viewed 4February 2018, Thompson, S.J., 2012. Traumatic stress among homeless young adults: Challenges and treatment issues.J Trauma Stress Disor Treat 1,1, p.2. Tibbetts, J 2015, 'Freegans risk the hazards of dumpster diving', Canadian Medical Association Journal, vol. 185, no. 7, pp. 282-283. Vinegar, R., Parker, P. and McCourt, G., 2016. More than a response to food insecurity: demographics and social networks of urban dumpster divers.Local Environment,21(2), pp.241-253.

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