Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Ancient Remains †Fossil DNA of Former Life

News that scientists had recovered actual marrow from a dinosaur fossil aroused much amazement. But the achievement is not a surprise. In fact, it doesnt even set a new record for the oldest pieces of life. Most of us think of fossils as dead things that have been petrified, turned to stone. But that doesnt have to be. The actual bodies of once-living things can escape being petrified for a very long time under the right conditions. A fossil is defined as any evidence of life from the prehistoric or geologic past that is preserved in the Earths crust. A prejudice against preservation may have kept scientists from looking for meat in the ancient bones, but now we know better, and a race is on to find ever-older tissues. Creatures in Ice Ãâ€"tzi, the 5,000-year-old ice man found in an Alpine glacier in 1991, is the best-known example of a frozen fossil. Mammoths and other extinct polar animals are also known from permafrost. These fossils are not as pretty as the food in your freezer, as they undergo a kind of slow mummification in the frozen condition. Its a geologic version of freezer burn in which ice migrates out of the tissues into the surroundings. Frozen bison bones nearly 60,000 years old were analyzed in 2002, yielding DNA fragments and bone proteins that could be compared to existing species. Mammoth hair turns out to be even better than bones for preserving DNA. But Antarctica holds the record in this field, with microbes in deep ice that are 8 million years old. Dried Remains The desert preserves dead matter by desiccation. Ancient humans have been naturally mummified this way, such as the 9,000-year-old Nevadan known as Spirit Cave Man. Older material is preserved by various desert packrats, which have the habit of making piles of plant matter cemented into rock-hard bricks by their viscous urine. When preserved in dry caves, these packrat middens can last tens of thousands of years. The beauty of packrat middens is that they can yield deep environmental data about the American West during the late Pleistocene: vegetation, climate, even the cosmic radiation of the times. Similar middens are being studied in other parts of the world. Even the remains of extinct creatures still exist in dried form. Mammoths are most famous for their permafrost carcasses, but mammoth dung is known from desiccated specimens. Amber Of course Jurassic Park put amber in the public consciousness with its plot based on the idea of retrieving dinosaur DNA from blood-sucking insects trapped in amber. But progress toward that movies scenario is slow and possibly stopped. Lots of different creatures are documented from amber, from frogs and insects to bits of plants. But the published DNA retrievals have not yet been duplicated. Perfect Fossils In a few places plant matter has been preserved in sediment for many millions of years. The Clarkia beds of northern Idaho are between 15 and 20 million years old, putting their origin in the Miocene Epoch. Tree leaves can be split from these rocks still displaying their seasonal colors, green or red. Biochemicals including lignins, flavonoids,  and aliphatic polymers can be extracted from these fossils, and DNA fragments are known from fossil liquidambar, magnolias and tulip trees (Liriodendron). The current champions in this field are the Eocene dawn-redwood forests of Axel Heiberg Island, in the Canadian Arctic. For about 50 million years the stumps, logs, and foliage of these trees have been preserved almost totally unmineralized, thanks to swift burial in conditions that kept oxygen out. Today this fossil wood lies on the ground, ready to pick up and burn. Tourists and coal miners alike threaten this scientific treasure. Dinosaur Marrow Mary Schweitzer, the North Carolina State University professor who documented soft tissues  in Tyrannosaurus rex leg bones, has been exploring biomolecules in ancient fossils for several years. The presence of those in the 68-million-year-old bones was not the oldest of her finds, but actual tissues of this age are unprecedented. The discovery challenges our notions of how fossils form. Surely more examples will be found, perhaps in existing museum specimens. Salt Microbes A startling Nature paper in 2000 reported the revival of bacterial spores from a brine pocket in a salt crystal in a Permian salt bed in New Mexico, some 250 million years old. Naturally, the claim brought criticism: the laboratory or the salt bed was contaminated, and in any case, the DNA of the microbes (the genus Virgibacillus) was too close a match to more recent species. But the discoverers have defended their technique and raised other ​​scenarios  for the DNA evidence. And in the April 2005 Geology they published evidence from the salt itself, showing that it (1) matches what we know of Permian seawater and (2) appears to date from the time of the salts formation, not a later event. For now, this bacillus holds the title of Earths oldest living fossil.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

How Government Should Be Organized And How The Power Must...

The concept of a government has been around almost as soon as the human race stopped its role of hunting and gathering and began the fruitful endeavor of farming. Ever since this point, the human race has had an almost subconscious necessity for order and a hierarchy of people with power. Since the Enlightenment, there has been an overwhelming question of how a government should be organized and how the power should be distributed. In America, the government holds strong to the basic Enlightenment principles (liberty, process, separation of church and state, etc†¦); however, there seems to be a constant clash for how much government involvement should be issued in various aspects of the country. Also, there is the question of how the individual fares in society. This is usually argued from the stance of whether or not the individual should maintain self-reliance or if the government should have a role in assisting those less fortunate to give them the same opportunities as othe rs. The United States government should maintain Enlightenment principles while also promoting free will in both the economy and society except in extreme circumstances; furthermore, the individual should be an active member of society, but they must have the adequate tools and knowledge if a true, effective democracy is going to be maintained In order for our government to be successful and for the residents of the United States to be generally happy, we must stay true to our EnlightenmentShow MoreRelatedThe Underdevelopment Of Bharat.1438 Words   |  6 Pagesjob that should have been his. Did I mention this man sitting on the curb passed law school with perfect marks, glowing recommendations, and in-field experience but was turned down because his family was poor and from a lower caste? This man is the victim of the poverty epidemic in India. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

The Impact of Emotional Stages in Employees Systems Free-Samples

Question: Discuss about the the Impact of Emotional Stages in Employees Engagement which leads to Efficiency with reference to Dubai FMCG Industry, Far Way General Trading LLC. Answer: Introduction It is very imperative to say that humans are driven by emotions. Dealing with people is not based on dealing with the creatures of logic but it is the creatures of emotions. The positive emotions make people help others. The key emotions like feeling valued, confident, inspired, and enthused empowerment lead to engagement. Feeling valued is important for the employees. Feeling valued enables for more positive emotions of the others. Feeling valued confident empower people to make decisions to work with full of enthusiasm and this inspires people to work harder. In an organisation, employees want to be a part of the organisation and they want to feel proud of themselves. Employees become energised due to the feeling pride. This makes the workers put extra efforts for the success of the organisation (Atkinson, Nazarian, Greaves, 2015). Research objectives The objective of the study is to find out the impact ofThe impact of emotional stages in employees engagement which leads to efficiency with reference to Dubai FMCG industry, Far Way General Trading LLC. Research questions The research questions will highlight the importance of emotional stages in employees engagement that leads to contribute to the efficiency of the employees. The emotional responses to the questions that employees ask to find out about the organisation they work for. Do the employees fell that they are valued? Do the employees value the company where they work? Do the employees feel that they belong to the organisation? What drive the emotions? What is the importance of emotional stages in employees engagement that leads to contribute to the efficiency of the employees? How does Far Way General Trading LLC, Dubai work for the development of the emotional stages of the employees of the organisation for the growth of their efficiency? Literature Review Emotions make the employees personalise their jobs. Through the emotions, the employees feel about the actions of the organisation and about the supervisors under whom they work. The supervisors in the workplace worm as the important driver in the workplace. The actions of the managers reflect how the employees feel about the organisation they work for. The only emotion is feeling happy and that is driven by the organisation (Velsor, McCuley, Ruderman, 2010). There is a link between the emotion felt by the workers and their satisfaction level with the supervisors of the organisation they work for. There is a strong sense of satisfaction is fostered by the managers who encourage positive emotions. The managers feel satisfied when they find that their employees feel inspired, enthusiastic, happy excited (Reynolds, 2015) Figure 1: The power of positive emotion (, 2012) The actions of the company should be felt through emotion by the employees and this will personalise employees in their work. The employee who is emotionally connected in a positive way with the organisation he or she works for feel a sense of ownership. This will make him or her stay with the organisation. This will contribute to the superior work in the less time. This will also contribute to the reduction of the turnover costs. Thus the organisation has to build the effective interpersonal skills in order to develop the positive emotion. This is essential to for an environment which is very productive. This will also lead to the development of the engagement of the employees in the organisation (Earl, 2011). The research focuses on studying the importance of the emotional stages of the engagement of the employees for the growth of the organisation. The Far Way General Trading LLC was established in the year 2001 and it is an ISO certified company. The company is committed a zero error interface business process. It is taking the larger responsibility for the delivery of the appropriate results. The company focuses on performing high standard with the able and inspired team. The positive emotion augmented by the leaders of the organisation reflects the growth of the organisation and the satisfaction of the employees who own the organisation (, 2017). Methodology The researcher will make an empirical study of the research work. The qualitative research methodology will be adopted by the researcher. The data of the research will be collected from secondary sources. The data from the secondary sources like website information, journals, periodicals and other publications will be taken into consideration for the research. The research will make an analysis of the data collected and will focus on how the stages of emotions of the employees engagement contribute to the development of their efficiency. The research data will be evaluated to find out the answers to the research questions. The researcher will also make a quantitative analysis of the research questions. A set of the questionnaire will be prepared and the questionnaire will be asked to the employees of the case study organisation. The findings of the quantitative research will also be taken into account for the analysis of the data. Research ethics The researcher will not violate the ethics of the research. The questionnaire prepared by the researcher will not breach any ethical rules. No pain or criticism will be there during the time of taking the interview. The researcher will focus on not making any issues to hamper the values of the employees of the organisation. Timeline The research will take 60 days to complete the research work. The entire planning and final research work will take sixty days. For the conduct of the research work, $100,000 will be spent. This will be the entire costs for the conduct of the research work. Bibliography (2017). Far Way General Trading LLC. Retrieved from Atkinson, P., Nazarian, A., Greaves, L. (2015). Impact of Organisational Size on the Relationship between Organisational Culture and Organisational Effectiveness. Organisational Cultures: An International Journal, 1-16. (2012). EMOTIONAL DRIVERS OF EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT. Retrieved from Earl, M. (2011). Knowledge Management Strategyies. Journal of managemrnt Information Systems, 181, 215-223. Hoption, C. (2014). Learning and Developing Followership. Journal of Leadership Education, 129-137. (2017). HR PHILOSOPHY. Retrieved 04 23, 2017, from Reynolds, B. (2015, 06 18). Why followership is as important as leadership. Retrieved 03 18, 2017, from Velsor, V., McCuley, Ruderman. (2010). Developing of Leaders. In The Center for Creative Leadership handbook of leadership development. San Francisco,: Jossey Bass.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Question free essay sample

According to Jarvis, the reason for the reaction mainly due to two points. First, there were secret police of the Nazis and the East Germany. People of Germany were living in a condition with very little privacy. So they treasure the freedom they are enjoying. The reason that Germans do not trust Google is that Google is a company of great size and making a lot of money. And they do not an American company making money on them by the Google street view. (Part B) According to Jarvis, constraining Google to take photos of a public place would somehow redefine the meaning of public. As it is a common understanding that public is own by every person, which includes Google, Google should have the right to use it. Restricting Google street view will set up a bad precedent. There may be case that stopping the publicity of photo or video of some people doing bad acts in public places. We will write a custom essay sample on Question or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If privacy is defined in this way, public will never be shared. Privacy would easily be taken as an excuse to stop anything to show to the public. And the right of public would be declined. Scandal and injustice would easily be covered from the public. First, people can’t control the usage ad the publicity of the photo they are. Every body in the world could see he/she in the photo. The number of people who can reach the photo is unlimited. Also, any other company for other promotion may use the picture. Second, the camera may capture the picture inside the house if your door and windows are not closed. As people are feeling safe in their own places, they may be doing something not appropriate. These actions are not supposed to be captured and showed to the world. (Part C) I agree that such devices should be banned in some circumstances. For example, when on the public street, I think that it is acceptable to use Google glass. Similar to the case for the Google street view, the street is a public place that own by everyone, so it is all right to take picture and video, even when somebody are captured in these. This is slightly different from the street view as the chances of accidently capturing private indoor location is lower and the video will not be shown to everyone in the world. For this case, content that is accidently filmed from indoor would be considered as privacy. The use of the product of the photos or video would be the factor, when the video or photo would be watched by the whole world likes the Google street view, it should be consider as the privacy of the people being captured. Finally, how personal is the action they are doing. If the actions were not supposed to be watched by other (For example, bathing indoor), it should be considered as the privacy of that person. When In a restaurant, the situation is similar to that on a street. And as the person would be sitting on his own desk eating alone or with friends, the chances of capturing unwanted part would be lower. So it is acceptable for someone to use Google glass when they are having their meal. And it is not easy to establish a consistent view because most of the content will be filming people and food. And for Cinema, it would be obvious that these devices have to be banned. The devices can record the whole movie, which is illegal. Someone may record the movie and show it to other in order to watch the film without paying for the tickets. This will result in a great loss of income of the movie company. So the devices must be banned in every cinema. The illegality of recording the video would be the factors. It is not acceptable to record the movie. This is a simple and powerful law to judge weather it is consider as the privacy of the company. Question free essay sample The indispensable opposition uses examples of to develop his argument. In the first paragraph the author started off with expressing what liberty of opinion means to him and to other people as well. He mentions how political freedom- that is to say, the right to speak freely and to act in opposition-.. In the third paragraph he mentions that opinion is a luxury he said this because we tend to not speak for ourselves only because we Just learn how to tolerate those around us because they too have rights.This matters cause in this paragraph he states his point of view, and this is how he forms his In paragraph four, the author used a historic fact to support his argument. Argument. This is essentially important because he knows that people will question as to why he only used his opinion. He mentions freedom of speech, and as a matter of practical human experience there is much more compelling reason for cultivating the habits of free men. We will write a custom essay sample on Question or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As a conclusion our author concluded that as of right now, he believes that we missed the true of meaning of having the freedom to speak or ourselves, because often times we tend to tolerate another beings annoying doing, Just like when a baby next door Is crying, we tend to Just let it go, or even when a neighbor is playing a loud music, the author also believes that this is an act of laziness and lack of strong serious conviction, he believes that humanity needs a little push when it comes to speaking and standing up for themselves, or ourselves.He also believes that some shouldnt take It too far as to where we offend people, he believes we need to balance. This Is how Lifespan supported his argument about freedom.